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Jul 12, 2024

How to be financially stable: 6 strategies for a more secure future

By Team Stash
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When you think about your future, do you feel confident that you’ll be able to maintain your standard of living, achieve your goals, and eventually retire comfortably? That’s the feeling that comes with achieving financial stability: the assurance that you’re secure now and will remain on solid footing going forward. Figuring out how to be financially stable can feel out of reach for many people, especially if you’re not currently making as much as you’d like or are struggling with debt or high cost of living. But financial stability can be attainable with some planning, discipline, and commitment.  

In this article, we’ll cover: 

What does financial stability mean?

Financial stability means having enough income to cover your expenses, save for unforeseen emergencies, and invest in your future financial goals. Unlike wealth or financial independence, which may involve having a significant amount of money or assets, financial stability is about managing what you have effectively. It’s being confident that you can handle unexpected expenses without stress and are on track to meet your long-term financial goals.

Signs of financial stability

Several indicators signify being financially stable. These include making more money than you spend, holding little to no debt, and having money that’s growing in savings accounts and investments. Additionally, having enough savings to handle large unexpected expenses without financial stress is a clear sign of stability. If you’re consistently meeting your financial obligations and still have money left over for savings and investments, you’re on the right path. And if you’re not there yet, you can start moving in the right direction. 

How to become financially stable: 6 strategies

If you want to achieve financial stability, you’ll need to start where you are. That means managing your current financial situation with smart strategies that will pay off in the future, even if it takes time. Taking small steps now can set you up for growing success. 

#1: Create and stick to a budget

If you’re wondering how to become financially stable, starting a budget now may be one of the most important answers. A budget is essentially a plan for how you’ll spend and save your income each month. It helps you make thoughtful choices about what you do with your money, including what you spend it on, how much you save, and how you tackle debt. By sticking to your budget, you can keep track of where your money’s going and implement strategies to pay off debt and save up money. Plus, budgeting helps you feel more in control of your finances, which can reduce your financial stress and leave you feeling more financially stable.  

How to create a budget

Creating a budget doesn’t have to be complicated. To get started, you’ll need to: 

  • Add up your monthly income from all sources
  • List your necessary and discretionary expenses
  • Group expenses into budgeting categories 
  • Allocate your income into categories for spending, saving, and investing. 

There are several budgeting strategies that can make the process of planning and tracking your spending easier. You might want to try a 50/30/20 budget, the envelope method, or a zero-based budget

Your budget isn’t set in stone. In fact, it’s essential to review and adjust it regularly to reflect changes in your financial circumstances. This might include handling new types of expenses or changes in income. Stay flexible and adapt your budget to ensure it continues to meet your needs and goals.

#2: Build an emergency fund

An emergency fund is a savings account set aside for large unexpected expenses, providing financial security when life throws you a curveball. Having this safety net is a cornerstone of financial stability, because it allows you to handle the unexpected without derailing your long-term goals by dipping into your other savings and investments or going into debt.

Emergency funds are typically used for expenses like a major car or home repair, an emergency medical bill, or any other cost you can’t pay for with your regular monthly income. The other important use for an emergency fund is to cover your living expenses if you lose your job. 

The amount you should save in an emergency fund depends on your income and lifestyle. Most experts recommend keeping enough to cover between three and six months’ worth of living expenses. However, you might aim for a higher amount if you work in a volatile industry or earn your income as a freelancer.

How to develop an emergency fund

Building an emergency fund takes time. When you create your budget, include a line item for putting a bit of money into your fund each month. Even if you can’t afford to save much now, every dollar adds up. And if you store your savings in a high-yield savings account or money market account, you can earn interest to help your fund grow faster.  

#3: Tackle your debt

One of the most powerful ways to be financially stable is to reduce your debt, especially high-interest debt. You don’t necessarily have to become debt-free to achieve a sense of financial stability, but if you’re carrying “bad debt,” it will likely hinder your ability to create a stable future. You might think about debt as falling into two categories:

  • Good debt: Some types of loans add to your net worth and earning potential over the long haul. When that’s combined with low interest rates and fixed terms, the possible future advantages often outweigh the downside of paying interest. Mortgages and student loans are generally considered good debt.
  • Bad debt: When your debts have high interest rates and/or variable terms, they’re more likely to undermine your financial stability. Credit card debt is perhaps the most common example of bad debt because high interest rates compound the amount you owe, and your credit score can be damaged if you carry large balances. 

How to pay off debt

If you want to become financially stable, make a plan to get out of bad debt faster. Stop borrowing money and using credit cards, and implement a debt-repayment strategy like the avalanche method or the snowball method. With each of these strategies, you’ll start paying more than the minimum balance on your debts each month. You’ll need to work those payments into your budget; consider cutting down on some discretionary spending so you can prioritize getting out of debt.  

#4: Save and invest 

Financial stability is focused on both the present and the future. That means you’ll want to put some money into savings and investments that will grow over time, building wealth for the years to come. When you create your budget, plan to devote some of your income toward saving and investing. 

Deciding how much to save each month is a balancing act. First, you’ll want to set savings goals so you know what you’re working toward and your timeframe. Then you’ll need to determine how much money you can afford to save from your paycheck and perhaps make adjustments to your goals accordingly. 

One of the most common reasons people want to be financially stable is so they can have a comfortable retirement. As you’re working savings and investment into your budget, consider how much you’ll need to retire. Building up an adequate retirement fund is a very long-term goal, and the sooner you start investing, the more time you’ll have to grow your money. If your employer offers a 401(k) or 403(b), contribute to it if possible, especially if your company offers a matching benefit. You can also open a traditional or Roth IRA to increase your retirement savings.    

#5: Amplify your income

Financial stability is rooted in managing your finances well, regardless of income. That said, increasing your earnings can help you get out of debt, put more money into savings and investments, and pad out your emergency fund. When you’re deciding how to become financially stable, you might want to look for ways to boost your income so you can move toward your goals more quickly. You could take on a side hustle and put your earnings toward your financial goals. Passive income is another useful strategy for bringing in more money without committing to a large amount of extra work. 

Of course, getting a higher salary at the job you already have is a direct way to increase your income. Consider negotiating with your employer for a raise; research market rates for your role and industry and identify professional achievements to help make your case. Furthering your education and acquiring new skills can also lead to higher pay or a promotion. You might look into online courses, certifications, and advanced degrees that will enhance your qualifications and career prospects.

#6: Reduce your spending

Part of managing your finances is making intentional choices about how you spend your money. You don’t necessarily have to take austere measures to become financially stable, but controlling your spending can help you stick to your budget and put more funds toward your longer-term goals. 

You might look for practical ways to save money on both necessities and discretionary expenses. If you tend to overspend, learn to curb impulse buying. It can also be helpful to understand needs vs. wants when budgeting; that way, you’ll know what expenses you truly have to cover and identify things you could let go of in favor of building financial stability for the future.

Financial stability can be within reach

It’s easy to fall into the trap of associating financial stability with having a high income. However, it’s not just about having money, but about managing it wisely to set yourself up for the future. As you consider how to be financially stable in your life, remember that the benefits aren’t just found in your wallet. Financial stability can reduce stress and leave you feeling more confident about the future. 

With a combination of smart money management and proactive planning, you can set yourself up for success. The most important step you can take is to get started now. 

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